Friday, January 1, 2016

Words for 2016 (my take on One Little Word)

I normally love all the hype of making New Years Resolutions.  I love to read the blog posts about them, the tips people share, and the challenges to join others.  Usually all of this excites me and I pour over lists and worksheets to create the perfect New Years Goals.

But this year, it all felt different.

Perhaps it is because I know that life's goals can be flipped upside down so quickly.  Or perhaps, its because I have two goals that keep showing up on my list over and over again.

While looking online, I stumbled across the idea of having a word for the year.  I concluded that was a silly for me to do.  After all, how can one narrow down a year into a word?  How can you possible know enough about your future year to have that much of a focus?  Still, I couldn't let the idea go.  I threw up a prayer and asked God, what would my word be?  Immediately the phrase "let go" came to my mind.  Ah, now this touches my heart.

Let go.

Oh, what would life look like if that could reach deep down into my life and settle.  How I am in need of some letting go in so many areas of my life.

I'm not sure how exactly this plays out in real life.  I've seen people create pinterest boards to inspire them.  I'm currently making a list of all the things that I am in need of letting go.  I'll post that up soon.  For now I'm pondering and reminding myself.  And honestly it feels good.  I enjoyed telling myself to let go of the mess of all the new presents spread over my livingroom floor yesterday.  It was a nice reminder to allow the boys to enjoy playing while being near us, even if it looked like chaos.  I've also enjoyed telling myself to let go of a comment on Facebook that came up.  I hope I will find myself quoting "Just let it go" a lot more this year.


  1. Hi Christine!
    I love your phrase! LET GO!!!!
    WE had to let our very successful guest house business go - which was a side line to our fruit and vegetable farm! It is sad to let it go , because we love our guests! But we are simplifying our lives! I will certainly use your phrase!!

  2. Hi Christine!
    I love your phrase! LET GO!!!!
    WE had to let our very successful guest house business go - which was a side line to our fruit and vegetable farm! It is sad to let it go , because we love our guests! But we are simplifying our lives! I will certainly use your phrase!!

    1. Adri, thank you! It is hard to let go of things we love. I love the idea of simplifying :) Thanks for stopping by and commenting!
