Monday, February 8, 2016

The Goals of 2016

You should see my brain storming goal sheet.  Its a mess.  But that's kind of what brainstorming looks like, isn't it?  All the thoughts, pieces, and notes, trying to find where they belong.

Even though I didn't get into the hype of New Years Resolutions like I normally do, I did still set some goals.  When setting my goals I start off looking at my priorities. They fall under these six categories:

1. God
2. Family
3. Health
4. Overseas move
5. Writing
6. Homeschooling

Then I set different goals for each of the six categories.

1.My most important goal, if I accomplish nothing else, is to read my Bible every morning. Usually I read it at night, but the temptations there is to put it off because I'm so mentally tired from the day. I really feel that reading it first thing will really help me become more consistent all together and help me focus on things above for my day.

2.I would also like to read more non-fiction books that encourage me in my walk with Christ. (I don't have a specific number of books for this.  I probably should considering goals that aren't S.M.A.R.T. are harder to complete.

Under family my goals revolve  around spending more meaningful time together.  So, I've resolved to do the following:
1. Have two family nights a week (two nights where we read, play games, or go outside together)
2. Have four non-dinner dates with my husband.  (We roughly have about one date a month but we always go to dinner. I'm trying to break that)
3. Have three one-on-one "dates" with each boy.

1. Workout consistently three times a week.  I'm currently using the T-Tapp method.
2. Eat less sugar.  I'm working towards this by making one healthy, (low or no sugar) treat a week.
3. Go to bed by 10:40.  My goodness this is so HARD!
4. Wake up by 6:40.  My real reason for goal number three.
5. Be consistent taking my supplements.

Overseas Move
Ugh.  This is a hard one because there are a lot, I mean a lot, of things that are not in my control with this one.  But here's what I got:
1. Declutter
2. Learn the Language
3. Complete some specific paperwork.

My writing goals are:
1. Write for at least 10 mins everyday.
2. Work on outline for book
3.  Read good writing.

1. Start by 9am every morning
2. Continue reading good books aloud.  Seriously the best part about homeschooling!
3. Include more writing into their lesson plans.

After setting my goals, I asked myself what needs to happen for each of these things to become a reality.  For example, in order to have a family night, we need to set aside two nights for this.

I also am working on making plans for each of these goals.  For example, I'm looking at different decluttering challenges to decide which one would work best for me.  I've also saved different writing prompts on pinterest in case I draw a blank.

Another thing I'm doing is not trying to accomplish all of these things right away.  I'm shooting for writing twice a week right now and I will increase as the year goes along.  If I try and master this whole list, which are mostly habits I want to create, I will burn out quickly.  These are my end goals. I want to be doing these things consistently by the time 2017 rolls around.  It will have to be built up.

What is your favorite goal for this year?  Which one of your goals do you view as most important?

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